Restoration of Family Love

I have my hope factor back around love, not that it really went anywhere, it’s just I experience so much family separation in my work and life. I’m discovering more and more how separate from our true heartfelt self we have become.  To cope with the gap we rely more on the physical and our […]

Where Are We?

Where are we

In a space of nowhere yet definitely somewhere…   Excited or tuned into something that can make us tingle at times, like electricity running through our bodies… normally this feeling would relate to action, but maybe some of us can’t seem to act on anything.   I sometimes feel paralysed to move a millimetre from […]

Corporate Spin

Are you in a corporate spin? Have you worked hard all your life and are now wondering what it has all been about?   Right now we are in a period of great change experienced through Global uncertainty which consciously or unconsciously facilitates our own internal shift. Life now has more uncertainties and as time […]



The spiritual holds our story and our story holds our fears.   Everything changes when we view things from the wholesomeness of our spiritual connection to self and others…and maybe the heart holds the key to this freedom?   Most of us may be operating from a logical, physical perspective and unknowingly have some kind […]

You Are The Dance Not The Dancer!

More and more I am experiencing what appears to be a seperation from the normality of physical life into the feeling of floating or an inability to focus or be attached to our own and other people’s stories. It can be disconcerting because there is an out of control feeling or distancing when connecting with […]

The Fight Is Over

It’s all about our internal life force. Nothing outside ourselves is right or wrong, only internally how we view situations, emotions, beliefs, feelings, our response and how we hold to them. The fight is within. Our mind is hard wired to set subtle and not so subtle ways of manipulating us to think we are […]

Can We Open Our Heart More?

Nature does not have a duality it just “ is”.   However, as human beings we have been conditioned to work with the mind’s polarities.  We judge whether something is good or bad for us.   If someone hurts us we get upset and can unconsciously or consciously block our heart so they can’t hurt us again.  […]

Are We Trying Too Hard To Be Successful?

We can sometimes feel our life is an uphill battle, every day hoping things will change to satisfy our endless search for happiness. We are creatures of habit and follow the same thought patterns unless we become aware of our internal connection, beyond our thoughts, that allows us to tune in to our natural awareness […]

The Field Outside Duality

Should I Stay or Should I Go?   In my previous blog when I was telling you about my friend who was experiencing inner turmoil around her life, it more or less appeared to be about decisions made from the heart versus the head.   When we talk this way it puts us into a […]

Ignite The Joy Within Introductory Workshop

We invite you to attend this Introductory Personal Awareness Workshop.   It will be held in Noosa on Saturday October 14, 2017.  The Workshop is to bring like minded people together to explore and discover what is happening energetically and physically both globally and personally in our lives.  It will be a chance to uncover […]