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Corporate Spin

Are you in a corporate spin? Have you worked hard all your life and are now wondering what it has all been about?


Right now we are in a period of great change experienced through Global uncertainty which consciously or unconsciously facilitates our own internal shift. Life now has more uncertainties and as time marches on we are all in a different place to where we were 10 years ago.  Life’s priorities have changed or our focus on them has lessened or increased depending on where we are in our life cycle.


These words are directed to all those who have managed, lead teams or been responsible for groups of people where performance was required to deliver profit.


We have all experienced being at the forefront of an organisation and have devoted a period of our life to making it work and being paid accordingly. When it is time to leave, while some of us think we are indispensable, we quickly realise there is always someone to take our place, and who inevitably will change things and possibly take the company in a different direction.


All the energy we have invested into developing a way forward, the importance we have placed on our job, and the time devoted to making it work, have all in a moment changed.


Where are you now? Who are you now? Did you define yourself by what you did? Were you reliant on the acknowledgement and accolades to make you feel good?  How much did you invest in your spiritual development during this time?


What I mean by this is having a balanced view of life and work just being one component. Did you wake up in the morning and breathe, see your wife and children’s face and listen to what they had to say from a deeper level other than duty? Did you smell the air, see the blue sky, feel your body sitting in your car and listen to the music rather than the breakfast news or constant phone calls?


Are we surviving life or are we living life…work is not the purpose of us being here, it is part of what we do to create our daily living experience. Not to reach some end goal of having everything we want so now we can live. Who knows how long anyone has?


Being wiser as we reflect back on our careers and realise where we are now in your life, would you encourage more people particularly staff to “smell the roses” more, tell our kids we love them, walk barefoot on the grass and take a day off and do nothing?


The connection we have with ourselves and each other is the very thing that forms humanity. What if business is meant to be formed this way where the connection with each other is the purpose and collectively this naturally activates everyone to want to do to achieve results?


Who will stand up and start becoming a Conscious Leader?  Who will change it for our children so life on planet Earth isn’t simply about how much we have and what we do…but more about living and sharing as one humanity?

A conscious mentoring session may help to clarify why this is happening now and establish a fresh new way forward in tune with your current priorities.


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