The Fight Is Over

It’s all about our internal life force. Nothing outside ourselves is right or wrong, only internally how we view situations, emotions, beliefs, feelings, our response and how we hold to them. The fight is within. Our mind is hard wired to set subtle and not so subtle ways of manipulating us to think we are […]

Release Stress

Release Stress picture of man swimming underwater

Are you experiencing challenging times at the moment? There are many changes occurring right now and people are being affected in different ways whether through relationship, health, finance, work or in general. We are living in a time where uncertainty is a way of life. Even if we make plans and decide outcomes things can […]

Trying To Control Outcomes – Is it working?

A piece of rope signifying trying to control outcomes

Why Do We Try To Control? Are you trying to control outcomes?  What if things are meant to be a different way from the way you might want it to look. At the moment, with change being so prolific, it is undeniable that no matter how hard we push something to be, there is a […]

Quick Wellbeing Check

Here are 10 Questions, if you answer “No” to more than 3 it might be time to make some changes in your life. Are you talking to everyone who is important in your life? Do you feel happy most of the time? Do you feel you have achieved your potential? Do you look after yourself […]

The Trap of Significance

We all have a natural ability to let go of our emotions but sometimes we are attached to the drama and attention or simply don’t want to take responsibility for ourselves. Whatever it may be, it stops us moving freely from one experience to the next. By nature we are all light, free, caring, creative […]

Are We In An Unconscious Bubble?

We receive so much visual and physical stimulation our minds are on ‘automatic pilot’ as we quickly decide what we want say and do via text, email, tweet or mobile. We repeatedly use our physical senses of sight, hearing and touch. It’s like we have forgotten about our other senses of tuning in to what […]