The ‘Shiny Bit’
I just finished doing a workplace wellbeing session with someone who told me he liked going for the “shiny” parts of the job because this is where he was acknowledged. He’d sometimes leave the detail unfinished if it got too hard, as he knew someone else in the organisation would come along and ‘pick up […]
I sense it is time for us to be okay with the feeling of “being alone”, regardless of our relationship status. Maybe this is the key to our wholeness? What Happened To Us? From an early age we want, and need, to be loved by our mother, father and others, believing this is fundamental to […]
The “Ship” for Leaders
The “ship” for a leader is the space that holds the leader and team in a field of possibility. It’s an Old English word ‘lædan’ meaning ‘to go before as a guide‘. If a leader is not dynamic and being guided by his/her own light as the original source of freedom, then there is no […]
High Ground
I saw a very memorable movie last night that deeply touched my heart like no other recent movie ever had. While the obvious story of invaders wielding their power and oppression over the original peoples in Australia was clear, there was something else happening in the background that took my breathe away and had me […]
The Power of Sovereignty
Have you noticed how we start to go into a bit of a panic because the end of the year is approaching? It’s as if there is a line in the sand with a number on it, where certain things have to be achieved before we cross into the new number. …And in 2023, most […]
Being Tipped Upside Down
Right now many people are feeling out of sorts. We know there is no emotional destination other than to feel ok and stable, yet it seems we are moving through more challenges, with a greater awareness, than ever before. What if every experience we are having is becoming more specific? If we let ourselves go, […]
Connection To The Unknown
Don’t know if you feel the same, but I sense we are now in times where connection is more important than ever. I’m talking about our soul connection and the network of others we are connected to. This reality is outside our known way of being, into the unknown, where feeling and intuition lead the […]
A Different Perspective of Our Vulnerability To Life!
I wondered, just for a moment, if you were interested in looking at the current dismantling of our human way of life and the framework it has been built upon, from the vulnerability of the bigger picture? Back in time when we were developing as human beings we used our minds to work out […]