The Spirit of Business working from the inside out

BY JILLY GABRIELSON, Wellbeing Mentor, Bright Spark Health. Originally shared on Matters Magazine Over the past couple of years, I’ve mentored hundreds of retail owners and staff on Workplace Wellbeing to support them through the business’s ups and downs. When I stripped away all the bells and whistles, it became clear how we overcomplicate business […]

Being Of Service

Being Of Service

Today, at my local breakfast café, the manager took my order and mentioned, “We have a lot of new staff and customers coming in at the moment!” Curiously, I asked, “Why do you feel that is happening?”   She replied, “Fewer people want to do simple service jobs anymore. Everyone wants to be someone, focusing […]


Bright Spark Health Intuition

Intuition, often underutilized in business, can be dissected to mean “IN TU I TION,” suggesting the action of delving inward — an act of sensing beyond what is outwardly visible and palpable. Much of our lives are spent looking outward, forming beliefs based on external cues. For instance, “I’m not smart enough to run my […]

The Fight Is Over

It’s all about our internal life force. Nothing outside ourselves is right or wrong, only internally how we view situations, emotions, beliefs, feelings, our response and how we hold to them. The fight is within. Our mind is hard wired to set subtle and not so subtle ways of manipulating us to think we are […]

Can We Open Our Heart More?

Nature does not have a duality it just “ is”.   However, as human beings we have been conditioned to work with the mind’s polarities.  We judge whether something is good or bad for us.   If someone hurts us we get upset and can unconsciously or consciously block our heart so they can’t hurt us again.  […]


  We can talk forever about our awareness of the bigger picture and what it might mean to be spiritual but maybe we need to ground our awareness in a heartfelt demonstration of living this way. If we are truly opening our heart with each other things will be changing and life will hold more […]