Are We Trying Too Hard To Be Successful?

We can sometimes feel our life is an uphill battle, every day hoping things will change to satisfy our endless search for happiness. We are creatures of habit and follow the same thought patterns unless we become aware of our internal connection, beyond our thoughts, that allows us to tune in to our natural awareness […]

Nelson Mandela Quotes

Here are some of my favourite quotes to remember Nelson Mandela and his legacy.    “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. ” Nelson Mandela   “To be free is not merely to […]

The Spirit of Business

Most companies are still dominated by numbers, analysis and information.   It makes it difficult for skills such as intuition, gut instincts and non-linear thinking to rate a mention. In our vastly changing climate these are the skills that will be more and more valued as this forms connection with people and helps to stabilise whatever […]

What Is Conscious Leadership?

Conscious Leadership is when an individual operates openly, clearly, intuitively, integrally and is connected to people and situations.  They lead by example and are able to look at themselves along with being able to see other perspectives. They use their ever increasing awareness to enhance situations by working from the Bigger Picture which connects to […]